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Expectations and Procedures

SBISD uses Love & Logic as our main source of discipline. We invite you to join us as we work to grow our students into responsible and independent people.



The foundation of Love & Logic is positive bonds between teachers and students so children want to be compliant. It uses techniques to avoid arguments and power struggles. Educators and parents are encouraged to express empathy when students disobey the rules, and they tailor consequences to meet the needs of individual students and infractions. Often consequences for the same act are inconsistent depending on the need of the individual student. It is about setting good limits in a loving way with logical consequences.



Fay and Dr. Foster W. Cline developed Love & Logic after Fay said he had tried different behavior management strategies when he was an educator. Based on observations and his studies, Fay composed what he calls nine essential skills for teachers.

  • Neutralizing student argument

  • Delaying consequence

  • Empathy

  • The recovery process

  • Developing positive teacher-student relationships

  • Setting limits with enforceable statements

  • Using choices to prevent power struggles

  • Quick and easy preventative interventions

  • Guiding students to own and solve their own problems



The teachers collaborate and discuss individual students

thoughtfully and intentionally to determine fair conduct 

grades for all our students.


Parenting Tips


Articles & Advice


Agenda Information – 4th Grade

Join us in taking respect and responsibility seriously. Homework and conduct reminders are written daily in agendas as well as compliments and celebrations. Please check the agenda regularly to see how your child is doing as this is one way we communicate with you. Agenda marks are not punishment. They are simply reminders to get back to learning and are one of the many things we look at to determine conduct grades.


Homework Expectations:

It is the student’s responsibility to write down his/her homework daily, make sure it is packed to go home and return to school with it when it is due.


Encourage your child to pack and unpack his/her own backpack each day. We have several parents who open the backpack, take out folders, and remove papers. Please don’t do this for your child. It is not helpful. Our hope is that our 4th graders begin to learn responsibility and accountability. You doing this for them delays this important development.   


Students earn a note in the agenda when homework is incomplete or left at home.


Please check over your child’s homework each evening to be sure it is done correctly. This helps us to help your child. 


If your child is absent, please come by to pick up his/her missed work and homework.


We want our students to have playtime and downtime after school. If homework is taking more than an hour, please let us know. 



Each student earns a progress report and a report card grade based on his or her display of respect and responsibility. We reward effort and growth.


Students earn a reminder note in their agendas when they struggle to comply with the class guidelines after a verbal warning. 


Students earn a good note in their agendas when they go above and beyond our expectations.

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